Right Here, Right Now: Implementing Just-In-Time EHS Training

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Right Here, Right Now: Implementing Just-In-Time EHS Training

As digitization continues to sweep the EHS sphere, the just-in-time process has become a popular approach to training. The process originates from Toyota, which implemented this system within its production workflows, delivering manufacturing components at the distribution point. Just-in-time training focuses on learning the required skills to complete tasks at the exact moment they are needed. Traditionally, training would be delivered in lengthy seminars to groups of workers. Often, these sessions would cover several topic areas instead of focusing on tasks specific to each worker’s role. However, technology has helped to overcome this issue, enabling firms to deliver the exact skills frontline workers need, regardless of their location.

There are several key components to delivering just-in-time training. Firms need to curate training content specific to each worker’s role or task and microlearning tools that deliver information in short, sharp bursts, while ensuring accessibility across various devices and locations. This focused approach can help keep workers engaged, which is a common priority for EHS functions. With traditional training, workers are more likely to forget learned information by the time they come to complete the task. Instead, a just-in-time approach alleviates the issue by both preventing information overload and by helping to refresh key details just before a specific job.

Mobile devices are key to reaching all frontline workers in this process. They can store content libraries of information filled with mini-videos and microlearning tools. EHS training vendors have housed this content in learning management systems (LMS) that enable managers to track progress and performance against other data such as incidents and near misses.

As EHS training continues to gain popularity, vendors are exploring various avenues to expand their current offerings. Take Luma1, an EHS training vendor that has implemented AI to help translate its content into over 50 languages. What’s more, Avetta has extended its microlearning courses to not only employees but also visitors. Site-specific training courses are now integrated with the visitor management system. This enables them to familiarize themselves with the site and any safety procedures before entering.

With digital training becoming increasingly popular, firms will likely adopt a just-in-time approach for their frontline workers to help increase knowledge retention and engagement. To read more about EHS training, head to the Verdantix research portal.

Zain Idris

Industry Analyst

Zain is an Industry Analyst in the Verdantix EHSQ practice. His current research agenda focuses on total worker health and software vendor partnerships. Prior to this role, Zain completed an internship at Verdantix recording major mergers and acquisitions within each practice. Zain holds a BSc in Economics from the University of Warwick.