Novel Applications Of Existing Technology Showcase EHS Training Modernization

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Novel Applications Of Existing Technology Showcase EHS Training Modernization

Training, a cornerstone of EHS functions, can often be viewed by employees and contractors as a dull and repetitive necessity of the job. This can lead to dangerous situations where workers may casually browse or even skip sessions that cover concepts and operations detailing procedures core to their job function and their safety. Verdantix’s latest EHS Global Corporate Survey identified that roughly 88% of the 302 EHS decision-making respondents consider “increasing engagement levels with training” to be of either medium or high priority over the next two years and reflected this constant concern. 

Firms are looking for innovative and immersive forms of training that retain their employee attention during the session in order to combat the potential hazards that low engagement could cause. In response, EHS training and LMS vendor SafetySkills has sought to utilise the gaming graphics operation called Unreal Engine alongside motion capture technology to create in-depth, highly configurable and highly engaging training sessions. Unreal Engine is a 3D graphics engine used primarily within the video game and movie industries where its high-quality generation capabilities render environments that are captivating and realistic. This level of engagement was highlighted as a way to make up for an employee’s lack of “learner motivation” amongst other best practices within Verdantix’s Best Practices: Adopting Digital Technology for EHS Training.

Taking this a step further, SafetySkills is utilizing motion capture technology to assist animators with the design of training courses. This provides increased flexibility when attempting to model unique sessions that require precise movements to represent correct execution of that operation. Furthermore, it quickens the creation processes, allowing for timely alterations to existing training templates, or the construction of entirely new ones should operations shift.

Given the rapid advances in these technological capabilities, the application to EHS functions is a logical outcome and represents novel solutions to established challenges. This could be taken further, potentially into things such as enhanced digital twin mapping or helping train artificial intelligences to recognize either dangerous or proper ergonomic movements. Regardless, the overlap of novel technologies and EHS functions is something Verdantix expects to continue. To learn more about the expansion of EHS related technologies, read the Verdantix Tech Roadmap EHS Technologies 2022 report.

Nathan Goldstein

Senior Analyst

Nathan is a Senior Analyst in the Verdantix EHSQ practice out of the New York office. His current research agenda focuses on the intersection of sustainability and ESG trends within the EHSQ operational sphere. Prior to joining Verdantix, Nathan worked at Bluefield Research, where he covered the global water industry, with a focus on the energy, industrial and digital segments. Nathan holds a MSc in Water: Science and Governance from King’s College London.