Smart Building Technology Buyers Spending And Strategies In 2024 And Beyond

  • Webinar
  • Real Estate & Built Environment

Smart Building Technology Buyers Spending And Strategies In 2024 And Beyond

What are corporate buyers of smart building technology looking to invest in 2024? Verdantix surveyed over 300 technology buyers to understand their near- and medium-term strategies, budgets, and priorities.

The webinar focuses on trends such as the up-and-coming technology areas attracting buyers attention, which software categories expected to get the most growth over the next year, and the technologies corporates are holding back from investing in.

Key takeaways:

  • The top market trends affecting real estate strategies
  • Which software categories and use cases are attracting the most attention from corporate buyers
  • How technology investments have changed over time, and what the future may hold for different software and hardware categories

On this webinar

Ben Readman

Industry Analyst

Ben is an Industry Analyst in the Verdantix Smart Buildings practice. His current research agenda focuses on ESG strategies and technologies for real estate, and corporate real estate technology investment strategies. Ben Joined Verdantix in 2021, having previously worked as a researcher at CECAN and as a sustainability officer for the NHS. He holds a Masters in Environmental Strategy from the University of Surrey and a BA in Geography from the University of Birmingham.