How To Select ESG Management Software In The Real Estate Sector

  • Webinar
  • Real Estate & Built Environment


How To Select ESG Management Software In The Real Estate Sector

As the real estate industry gears up its ESG programmes in response to regulatory and investor pressures, building owners are faced with time-consuming data collection and aggregation processes and imperfect and incomplete data. 

As a result, the market is awash with ESG solutions tailored to the needs of the real estate market, making it challenging for buyers to understand the best choice for their firm and portfolio. This webinar provides an overview of the software market for ESG Data Management and Reporting in the real estate sector and offers purchasing advice for building owners searching for a solution to meet their ESG requirements.

Come away with:

  • An understanding of the current state of the market for ESG software for real estate
  • Upcoming developments and trends which will shape your selection process
  • Criteria and tips for creating a vendor shortlist for your firm

On this webinar

Ben Readman

Industry Analyst

Ben is an Industry Analyst in the Verdantix Smart Buildings practice. His current research agenda focuses on ESG strategies and technologies for real estate, and corporate real estate technology investment strategies. Ben Joined Verdantix in 2021, having previously worked as a researcher at CECAN and as a sustainability officer for the NHS. He holds a Masters in Environmental Strategy from the University of Surrey and a BA in Geography from the University of Birmingham.