Building Security Software: Benchmarking Market Leaders To Address Rising Needs

  • Webinar
  • Real Estate & Built Environment

Building Security Software: Benchmarking Market Leaders To Address Rising Needs

The physical security software market is at a major inflection point, with vendors continuing to modernize their solutions to address a more digitally based world.

This webinar delves into the research findings from Verdantix’s 2023 Green Quadrant for Integrated Smart Building Security Software, which benchmarks 10 prominent providers based on their capabilities and momentum across nineteen different categories. Corporates seeking clarity on the market landscape should listen in.

Discussion Points:

  • Discover the major market and technical trends in physical and smart building security
  • Learn how Verdantix benchmarks the functionality and depth of capabilities for integrated security software 
  • Find out how leading integrated security software providers are comparatively positioned to address evolving security needs


Available on-demand

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On this webinar

Sandy Rogers

Principal Analyst

Sandy is a Principal Analyst in the Verdantix Smart Buildings practice. Her current research agenda focuses on the intersection of IT and OT digital strategies and technologies, including the IoT landscape. Sandy’s experience prior to joining Verdantix includes work as a research director and technology industry analyst in IT service technologies and operations at Forrester, and at IDC, where she covered software, vertical markets and web services. Sandy has worked in competitive research and strategy consulting at Fuld & Company and developed research for thought-leadership at Deloitte. She holds a Business Degree in Marketing and Management Science from the University of Rhode Island.