Connected Portfolio Intelligence Platforms

  • Event
  • Real Estate & Built Environment

30, August 2023

5am PDT | 8am EDT | 1pm BST

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Connected Portfolio Intelligence Platforms

Thank you for your interest in joining our webinar where we explore the benefits and applications of Connected Portfolio Intelligence Platforms and how it optimises office and retail places. We will hear from Joy Trinquet from Verdantix and Colin Dominish from Lendlease Podium. 

We invite you to participate in our Q&A at the end of the session. 

Attending this event

Joy Trinquet

Senior Analyst

Joy is a Senior Analyst in the Verdantix Smart Buildings practice. Her current research agenda focuses on integrated workplace management systems/connected portfolio intelligence platforms (IWMS/CPIP), building systems integrators, and space and workplace management solutions. Joy joined Verdantix in 2019, having previously worked at BNP Paribas Asset Management as a business development intern. She earned a BA degree in Economics with a concentration on policy, as well as dual minors in computer science and business studies, from New York University.