Brand Governance & Citation Policy

To protect our reputation for independence and objectivity we require the appropriate use of the company name and research publications.

We request a minimum notice period of two business days to approve brand usage and PR requests. Please direct all requests to Olivia Russell at [email protected]

Verdantix provides independent and objective analysis based on rigorous research. To protect our reputation for independence we have robust policies that govern the use of our name, logo and citations taken from our publications. The Verdantix name, logo and the company’s intellectual property may only be used in connection with marketing communications and sales materials (or any other commercial activities) with the explicit pre-approval of Verdantix for each instance of use. This policy defines the criteria that will be used to issue that approval. Please note that Verdantix reserves the right to deny permission for any reason and that adherence to this policy does not guarantee that permission will be granted.

Guidelines for using Verdantix Research and Brand

  1. The use of the Verdantix name and logo in marketing communications, sales materials, or any other commercial format is strictly prohibited unless explicit pre-approval has been granted by Verdantix for each specific instance of use. Furthermore, these assets may not be used to endorse a company, product, service, or to disparage a competitor, in line with our brand guidelines and principles. For name and logo requests, please contact [email protected]
  1. When making references to Verdantix in written content, please use the wording “independent research and advisory firm”.
  2. If you wish to include an "About Verdantix” section in relation to an approved reference to our firm, please use:
    “Verdantix is the essential thought-leader for world-enhancing innovation. We support change-makers with our proprietary data, unique expertise and executive networks. Our impactful analysis is delivered via a digital platform, consulting engagements and in-person events to thousands of decision-makers in more than 100 countries. From offices in London, New York and Boston, the Verdantix research team applies the principles of rigour, accuracy and curiosity to help our globally distributed clients solve their most complex challenges.
  1. This policy applies to all contexts in which the Verdantix name or research; including charts, images and textual content, may appear externally. It includes, but is not limited to advertising, annual reports, blogs, books, brochures, marketing materials, newsletters, press releases, presentations, signage, social media posts and speeches.
  2. Client organizations may use, brief excerpts for internal and external purposes without the need for pre-approval. Verdantix research inclusion should not exceed 25% of the total article or press release content, or more than 2 charts from a single report.* *This does not apply to the use of client resource materials and report reprints.
  3. No Verdantix copyrighted material may be edited or amended and must be properly attributed to the original research source as follows: “Verdantix, Full Report Title, Date” Internal materials should be marked “For internal use only”. Any proposed changes to these citations require prior approval from Verdantix.
  4. Report purchaser, non-client and third-party use of quotations and citations from published research in external materials requires Verdantix approval and must use the correct attribution to the original research source in the following format: “Verdantix, Full Report Title, Date”. Brief excerpts in internal materials are permitted without the need for pre-approval and must use the same attribution format. These citations may not be edited, altered or amended in any manner.
  5. Citations and references to Verdantix research and content should not make direct comparisons between your position and the position of a competing firm.
  6. Messages must not imply any form of endorsement, support, or partnership between Verdantix and your organization.
  1. Headlines and sub-headers, including on press releases, blogs and social medial posts, may not contain “Verdantix”. Instead they should use “Independent Research Firm” or “Independent Analyst Firm” and refer to Verdantix in the text of the press release.
  2. Inclusion of one quote per release is permitted, and such quotes should directly utilize text from the relevant report. Quotations should not be used to imply endorsement of the vendor or product in question, must not be used in commercial materials, and must be attributed to the report author. All requests must be approved by Verdantix.
  3. All press releases must include a link to the original Verdantix report. If a client report reprint is owned, a link to this may be used instead.

    Examples of acceptable quotes and statements

    • “Over the past two years, workplace system integration services have attracted growing demand as corporate organizations scrambled to adapt to the sudden and evolving needs of the new hybrid era,” commented REPORT AUTHOR NAME, JOB TITLE, Verdantix. “Real estate executives must create seamless links between multiple IT systems in the workplace technology stacks to enable hybrid workplaces. Verdantix research finds that COMPANY X has strengths in tailorable workplace services and solutions to drive workplace digitization projects.”
    • “The Verdantix REPORT TITLE positions COMPANY X as a Leader for Workplace Systems Integrators with strengths in...”
    • “The Verdantix report, REPORT TITLE, recognizes COMPANY X’s strengths in workplace services and solutions to drive workplace digitization projects.”

    Examples of unacceptable uses of quotations

    • “Verdantix recommends COMPANY X for tailorable workplace services.”
    • COMPANY X is the leading provider for Workplace Systems Integrators”
    • Company X excelled in this report.”
    • Company X takes the lead in EHS Software.”
  4. Verdantix research must be quoted in its original form, without any alterations or paraphrasing. Limited excerpts from Verdantix research reports may be included in a press release, but must not exceed 25% of the press release’s total content.
  5. We request a minimum notice period of two business working days to approve press releases. Please direct all requests to Olivia Russell [email protected]

We encourage you to recognize the importance of preserving Verdantix's reputation as an objective and independent research provider. When incorporating our research findings into your marketing materials, it is essential that you do so in a manner that accurately represents the data, opinions, and intentions conveyed by Verdantix.

  1. Press releases require approval before publishing. We request a minimum notice period of two business working days to approve press releases. Please direct all requests to Olivia Russell [email protected]
  2. Green Quadrant press releases must follow the Press Release Guidance as set-out in section 4.
  3. Firms mentioned in the Green Quadrant should only publish their press releases after Verdantix has published the Green Quadrant report on
  4. Firms featured in the reports should not identify themselves as “Winners”. The Green Quadrant does not identify “winners”, but rather characterizes the market alternatives for buyers of a product or service.
  5. Firms featured in the reports should not use rankings by naming themselves "No. 1" , "No. 2" , “top”, “leading” or similar, because the Green Quadrant does not rank the firms in the report.
  6. Firms featured in the reports must refer to their positioning as “a Leader” and not “the Leader ” or “Leader” unless they are the only firm positioned in the “Leaders’” Quadrant.
  7. Firms featured in the reports should not make direct comparisons between their position or scorings on the Green Quadrant and the position of a competing firm (e.g. they should not say: Company A is positioned as a “Leader”, compared with Company B which is an “Innovator”).
  8. Firms featured in the reports should refer to their characterization such as “a Leader” or “a Challenger” only on the basis of their positioning in the Green Quadrant graphic, not on the basis of a single dimension or evaluation criterion.
  9. Firms featured in the reports may highlight specific areas of high performance on an individual criterion, but should not use the terms associated with the four Quadrants (Leaders, Challengers, Specialists, Innovators) to describe this criteria-specific performance.
  10. Firms featured in the reports may distribute the Verdantix Green Quadrant graphic after receiving approval from Verdantix. The Verdantix Green Quadrant graphic cannot be amended or edited. Requests for the graphic should be submitted to Olivia Russell at [email protected]
  11. Firms featured in the reports may use the Green Quadrant Badge provided to them by Verdantix in their marketing materials as soon as the report has been published. The Verdantix Green Quadrant badge cannot be amended or edited. Requests for a badge should be to Olivia Russell at [email protected]
  12. “Green Quadrant” is a registered trademark owned by Verdantix Ltd and can only be used for commercial purposes with the express permission of Verdantix. The Green Quadrant methodology is an objective, fact-based assessment of firms providing comparable products or services in a defined market at a specific time. Verdantix does not endorse any vendor, product or service included in the Green Quadrant. Research conclusions are based on expert judgment and are subject to change. Verdantix disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to the research.
  1. Third parties may cite social media content by Verdantix so long as the integrity of the posted content is maintained and is linked directly to the original source. All citations must come from content published within the preceding 18 months.
  2. Headlines and sub-headers on social media posts must not include the term "Verdantix." Any reference to "Verdantix" should be incorporated within the text section of the post.
  3. You are permitted to include links to Verdantix social media accounts in your posts. However, it is crucial to ensure that your message does not imply any form of endorsement, support, or partnership between Verdantix and your organization.
  4. Social media posts do not require pre-approval, but must align with the Verdantix brand policy and guidelines. Verdantix may actively monitor interactions and citations of its social media content. In cases where violations of these guidelines or the misuse of content occur, Verdantix will take appropriate action to address such issues.
  1. Please send all press releases and articles to be considered for inclusion in Verdantix newsletters to [email protected] Inclusion is at the discretion of the newsletter editor and cannot be guaranteed.
  1. Accredited members of the press are permitted to use Verdantix research and name without the need for pre-approval. We encourage journalists to adhere to our brand governance and citation policy for the responsible usage of Verdantix research.

    Please direct all interview and research requests to Olivia Russell at [email protected]

Verdantix reports, including Green Quadrant publications, are the property of Verdantix and constitute:

  1. Works of original authorship, including compiled content of pre-existing material Verdantix has created, gathered, or assembled and;
  2. Information that has been created, developed and maintained by Verdantix at significant expense of time and money such that misappropriation or unauthorized use by others for commercial gain would unfairly and irreparably harm Verdantix.

Verdantix reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately terminate any uses of its intellectual property that are in violation of these guidelines or that otherwise abuse, harm, or damage any Verdantix intellectual property. Verdantix also reserves the right to alter these guidelines at any time to uphold fair and ethical use of its products and trademarks.

If a policy violation is identified:

  • The offending company will not be able to cite any Verdantix research for 6 months.
  • The offending company will not be able to participate in any Verdantix research projects.