Navigating The EHS Digital Transformation Ecosystem
Navigating The EHS Digital Transformation Ecosystem
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Over the last two decades, the product landscape for EHS information management has shifted dramatically from compliance management systems, such as for incident logs and permits management, to workflow-based connected platforms for enterprise EHS management. While EHS software plays a significant role in this digitization, our research has also identified more than 20 different EHS technologies in the R&D, launch or growth phases of development.
This webinar provides insights into fast-growing EHS technologies that corporate executives should be aware of such as connected worker solutions, digital sensors for environmental data collection, and drones for safety audits and inspections. We will examine how the EHS information management paradigm is shifting and the implications for EHS leaders seeking to adopt a proactive, risk-centric strategy. During this webinar, we will also detail the role that various digital technologies can play in enabling corporate leaders to build a connected ecosystem of digital solutions for EHS information management and share best practices for planning EHS digital transformation efforts.