EHS Wearable Devices Market: Growing From $402 Million Today To $4.3 Billion In 2039
EHS Wearable Devices Market: Growing From $402 Million Today To $4.3 Billion In 2039
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Verdantix is focused on the emerging market for EHS wearable devices. Progressing from our Smart Innovators report published in 2018, we have developed a research area focused on these innovative technologies and use cases. With the release of our Connected Worker Devices Market Size and Forecast 2019-2039 report, we are leading the effort to define the growth potential and future directions of this market. During this webinar, Senior Analyst Bill Pennington will review the findings of our research and provide vendors, corporate buyers and financial investors with market data to inform their business planning and strategy-setting. The webinar will convey the projected growth of the overall market as well as expected growth among EHS use cases, geographic regions and industry risk groupings.