Digital EHS Services Providers Will Prove Key Partners Throughout Corporate Environmental Strategies
Digital EHS Services Providers Will Prove Key Partners Throughout Corporate Environmental Strategies
On the 3rd of December Siccar Point Energy confirmed that its partner, Oil and Gas giant Shell, had pulled the plug on its 30% investment stake on the Cambo oilfield project. The exploration and extraction project, situated on the North Sea’s rich oilfields, was estimated to yield over 800 million barrels of oil, with drilling set to start as early as 2022 and continue for 25 years. Shell has released a statement pinpointing the weak economic case for investment for the North Sea venture to be the driving factor behind the decision, yet in the wake of COP26, the negative brand image associated with non-renewable energy projects must have had a major influence. This is not a standalone story, and the unsettled market raises several questions for involved parties. Will this move catalyse further ‘green-focused’ decisions by energy giants? What does this spell for the future of North Sea oil sector?
With such uncertainty surrounding the ESG boom in a world transitioning to a renewable future; corporate titans are busy developing environmental strategies and contingencies to both mitigate business risks and contribute to green initiatives. Digital EHS consultancy providers, such as AECOM, Jacobs, ERM and WSP are well placed to offer services to cut through the noise and provide vital insight to guide corporate planning. For many EHS consultants, environmental services have taken precedence within technology development strategies. But what can EHS services firms offer when advising corporates in making environmental-focused decisions?
A prominent area of focus for technology innovation amongst EHS service providers is in emissions monitoring and environmental foot printing. Take ERM, which on the 14th of December 2021 acquired OPEX Group, an AI & data science solutions provider aimed at helping carbon intensive industries to reduce emissions. The firms flagship tool emission.AI takes an operational approach, analysing real-time emission data alongside asset data to automatically highlight optimisations to save fuel, power and process emissions. Similarly, Frostbyte Consulting offer extensive services to assess, monitor and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions this including GHG disclosures auditing services, allowing firms to navigate the competing frameworks such as SASB, TCFD and GRI.
According to Verdantix’s EHS Services Survey, environmental impact assessments are also leveraged greatly by corporates undergoing development projects. Large in the engineering and construction industry, AECOM offer numerous digital services, leveraging tools such as spatial analysis and environmental DNA technology, to ensure projects consider environmental impacts and adhere to compliance thresholds. EHS consultants can further address environmental concerns throughout the lifecycle of infrastructure projects, from site remediation and redevelopment to waste and wastewater management.
If you would like to understand more about the corporate appetite and trends within the EHS services market, please consider reading Verdantix Global Corporate Survey: EHS Services Budgets, Preferences And Priorities. If you wish to gain a deeper insight into the digital offerings of EHS consultants read Green Quadrant: Digital EHS Services 2020.