Smart Buildings Software: Market Size And Forecast 2020-2025 (Global)

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Executive Summary

This report helps strategy, product and marketing officers at firms providing real estate and building management software solutions to better understand the addressable market opportunity, define business development strategies and forecast future revenue growth potential. The analysis combines updated macroeconomic data, supplier revenues, segment-level drivers and customer budget changes across five functionality segments (real estate investment, property, space, maintenance and energy management) and three regions globally. In 2021 the smart buildings software market will be worth $6.4 billion. The software market encompasses property management, IWMS, CAFM, CMMS as well as energy management, real estate investment and space utilization solutions. The overall smart buildings market has a growth trajectory of 7% CAGR to reach $8.5 billion in 2025.

Table of contents

Smart Buildings Software Market Growth Will Rebound Following The 2020 COVID-19 Shock 

Smart Buildings Software Market Size And Forecast Methodology  
2020 Market-Size Data Are Calculated From Aggregate Supplier Revenues And Customer Penetration Data
The Market Forecast Reflects Macroeconomic Drivers And COVID-19 Recovery 

The Smart Buildings Software Market Grew Slowly During COVID-19 Disruption  
Suppliers Achieved Varied Performance In 2020 Amidst Market Headwinds 

Digitization Programmes And COVID-19 Recovery Will Fuel Growth Across All Five Segments To 2025  
Global Spending On Smart Buildings Software Will Grow To $6.4 Billion In 2021 
Portfolio Diversification And Demand For Responsible Investing Will Support Growth In The Investment Management Segment
Property Management Segment Will Benefit From Changing Lease Structures And Stricter Capital Project Planning 
Space Optimization And Tenant Wellbeing Programmes Will Support Space And Workplace Management Segment 
Maintenance Management Market Will Grow As Buyers Implement Cloud-Based Offerings And Remote Monitoring 
Energy Efficiency Programmes And Sustainable Building Trends Will Spur Growth In The Energy And Sustainability Management Market

Overall Software Market Expenditure Will Grow At A 7% CAGR To Reach $8.5 Billion By 2025  
Analysis Identifies Key Sensitivities Impacting Future Spending On Smart Buildings Software


Table of figures

Figure 1. Definition Of The Five Market Segments 
Figure 2. Verdantix Market Size And Forecast Approach 
Figure 3. Updated Drivers Data Feeds 2020-2025 
Figure 4. Smart Buildings Software Market Year-On-Year Growth Rate 2020-2025 ($m) 
Figure 5. Smart Buildings Software Spend By Region 2020-2025 ($m) 
Figure 6. Future Smart Buildings Software Purchase Intentions By Region 
Figure 7. Smart Buildings Software CAGR By Segment 2020-2025 
Figure 8. Four Future Scenarios Based On Homeworking Trends And The Economic Recovery 

About the authors

Joy Trinquet

Senior Analyst
Joy is a Senior Analyst in the Verdantix Smart Buildings practice. Her current research agenda focuses on integrated workplace management systems/connected portfolio intelligence platforms (IWMS/CPIP), building systems integrators, and space and workplace management solutions. Joy joined Verdantix in 2019, having previously worked at BNP Paribas Asset Management as a business development intern. She earned a BA degree in Economics with a concentration on policy, as well as dual minors in computer science and business studies, from New York University.

Susan Clarke

Research Director

Susan leads the Verdantix Smart Buildings practice. Her current research agenda focuses on software solutions for real estate management including integrated workplace management systems and IoT platforms for buildings. Her research expertise also includes a broad range of energy management technologies and energy services. Susan has eight years of experience in technology research. She holds a MSc from the University of London in Sustainable Development.

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