Market Overview: Architecture, Engineering And Construction Software

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Executive Summary

This report provides a strategic overview of the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) software market and analyses emerging opportunities as the sector accelerates its adoption of digital technologies. This report will inform the decisions of C-Level executives at AEC software providers who own the strategy agenda and product roadmap. Our research finds that the AEC software market is entering a new phase, marked by a rise of open platforms, a further convergence of solutions and technology advances across augmented reality (AR), mobile and IoT. This is enabling leading AEC software to become broader and target higher-value use cases to help buyers improve productivity and deliver cost reductions in projects. The report also outlines three actions that all AEC software providers should consider, to take advantage of the next wave of digital investments in the construction sector.

Table of contents

Market Overview: Architecture, Engineering And Construction Software
The AEC Industry Is On The Cusp Of A New Phase Of Digitization

State Of The Evolving AEC Software Market
The Buyer Landscape For AEC Software Is Highly Fragmented
AEC Software Helps Firms Manage Construction Costs, Deadlines And Quality
Software Providers Are Launching Suites Of Integrated Solutions, Broader Platforms And Cloud Offerings

The Construction Sector’s Push For Greater Productivity Will Underpin The Next Phase Of Software Adoption
Adoption Of Software By The AEC Sector Has So Far Lagged Other Industries 
AEC Firms Are Implementing Software To Enhance Collaboration And Productivity 
Buyers Are Extending Software Deployments To Target Higher-Value Use Cases  
Advances In AR, Data Capture And IoT Are Powering More Sophisticated Solutions
The Rise Of Sustainable Construction Is Driving New Use Cases For AEC Software

Three Actions For Software Suppliers To Tap The Next Wave Of Digitization In The AEC Sector

Table of figures

Figure 1. AEC Software Use Across The Real Estate Life Cycle By User 
Figure 2. Segmentation Of The AEC Software Market 
Figure 3. The BIM Dimensions From 3D To 7D 
Figure 4. Digitization Timeline Of The Construction Industry 
Figure 5. Construction Industry Software Adoption By EHS Processes In 2020 
Figure 6. AEC Software Use Across The Real Estate Life Cycle 
Figure 7. Technology Trends Affecting The AEC Software Market 
Figure 8. Perspective Of Construction Firms On IoT And Wearables 

About the authors

Joy Trinquet

Senior Analyst
Joy is a Senior Analyst in the Verdantix Smart Buildings practice. Her current research agenda focuses on integrated workplace management systems/connected portfolio intelligence platforms (IWMS/CPIP), building systems integrators, and space and workplace management solutions. Joy joined Verdantix in 2019, having previously worked at BNP Paribas Asset Management as a business development intern. She earned a BA degree in Economics with a concentration on policy, as well as dual minors in computer science and business studies, from New York University.

Susan Clarke

Research Director

Susan leads the Verdantix Smart Buildings practice. Her current research agenda focuses on software solutions for real estate management including integrated workplace management systems and IoT platforms for buildings. Her research expertise also includes a broad range of energy management technologies and energy services. Susan has eight years of experience in technology research. She holds a MSc from the University of London in Sustainable Development.

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