Market Size And Forecast: EHS Software 2020-2026 (Global)

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Executive Summary

This report helps executives at EHS software vendors, EHS service providers active in EHS information management, and investors in the EHS software market understand the current state and size of the market, as well as the trends and drivers that will shape the market into 2026. The report also considers the 2020 EHS software market size in relation to prior forecasts, to understand the impact of COVID-19 on market size and growth. The Verdantix market model, driven by EHS software revenues and macroeconomic drivers, calculates that the EHS software market will reach $1.47 billion in 2021. The market will grow by a CAGR of 11.5% to reach $2.5 billion in 2026. Growth will be driven by the increasing digitization of EHS processes and the expansion of EHS software capabilities to include environmental, social and governance (ESG), sustainability risk management, and operational risk management (ORM), via acquisitions and private equity investment.

Table of contents

Updated Macroeconomic Drivers And Market Data Provide Granular Detail On The EHS Software Market
Market Size Data Reflect Aggregate EHS Software Revenues And Trends
Macro-Level Economic Drivers Support EHS Software Growth Across Industries And Geographies

EHS Software Market Is Set To Grow, Despite Economic Slowdown In 2020
Global Spending On EHS Software Will Reach $1.47 Billion In 2021 
Increasing Digitization And Expanding Software Capabilities Contribute To Market Growth 
EHS Software Market Will Grow At A CAGR Of 11.5% To Reach $2.5 Billion In 2026

Table of figures

Figure 1. Industries Categorized By EHS Risk Level
Figure 2. Impact Of COVID-19 And Recession On 2020 Market Spend ($ million)
Figure 3. 2021 EHS Software Market Size By Region ($ million; %)
Figure 4. 2021 EHS Software Market Forecast By Industry ($ million)
Figure 5. 2021 EHS Software Market Industry Spend Breakdown
Figure 6. 2021 EHS Software Market Size By Industry Risk Category ($ million; %)
Figure 7. EHS Software Market Forecast And CAGR 2021-2026
Figure 8. EHS Software Market Forecast By Region 2021-2026 ($ million)
Figure 9. EHS Software Market Forecast By Industry Risk Category 2021-2026 ($ million)

About the authors

Christopher Sayers

Senior Analyst
Chris is a Senior Analyst in the Verdantix EHSQ practice. His current research agenda focuses on EHSQ software, product compliance software and digital mental health and wellbeing solutions. He was also the lead author of the most recent Verdantix EHSQ Software Green Quadrant benchmarking study. Chris joined Verdantix in 2020 and has previous experience at EY, where he specialized in robotic process automation (RPA). He holds an MEng in Engineering Science from the University of Oxford, with a concentration on machine learning and machine vision.

Bill Pennington

VP Research, EHS & Risk Management
Bill is the VP Research for the Verdantix EHS & Risk Management practices. His current agenda focuses on understanding the evolution of EHS and enterprise risk management, evaluating emerging strategic risks and benchmarking technology buyers’ budgets, priorities and preferences globally.

Yaowen Ma

Principal Analyst

Yaowen is a Principal Analyst at Verdantix conducting research on EHS and ESG information management. His current agenda focuses on digital technologies, best practices and growth strategies across EHS, product stewardship, sustainability performance and ESG risk management. Yaowen has more than seven years of experience managing and delivering EHS and ESG research and consulting engagements to corporates, vendors, investors and industry associations. He holds a dual major bachelor’s degree in environmental management and international relations from the University of Pennsylvania.

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